Iran Language Institute / Tests & Certificates / ILI Proficiency Examinations

Applicants for the ILI’s JCE and SCE exams are individuals interested in testing their English language proficiency level for either personal or vocational purposes.

JCE suits individuals who have the language proficiency:

1.        to comprehend intermediate-level texts from a variety of sources including magazines, catalogs, storybooks as well as sources accessible through mass media;

2.       to understand people speaking about general topics such as education, health, weather, entertainment, jobs, etc. in English;

3.       to communicate effectively with others in English (in both formal and informal contexts), express their emotions, opinions and experiences.

SCE suits individuals who have the language proficiency:

1.        to use English language correctly and effectively for vocational as well as academic purposes;

2.       to communicate effectively and flexibly in order to express opinions, present strong arguments, give and comprehend speeches on various topics;

to speak fluently and correctly about everyday topics. 

JCE and SCE exam results can be presented as an advanced English proficiency certificate by individuals working in offices, services and also the industrial sector.

JCE Exam results (differentiating learners at elementary, intermediate and high-intermediate levels of proficiency) can also be used by educational institutes in order to determine language learners' level of proficiency in English.

SCE Exam results (differentiating learners at elementary, intermediate, high-intermediate and advanced levels of proficiency) can also be used by educational institutes as a certificate of mastery of the English language to recruit qualified English language teachers.

 JCE Exam Format



Question Type

1. Listening Comprehension

a) Short Conversations

b) Long Conversations

c) Short Passage





2. Vocabulary


3. Grammar


4. Reading Comprehension


5. Speaking

a) Picture Story

b) Role-playing

c) Topic elaboration






SCE Exam Format



Question Type

1. Listening Comprehension

a) Short Conversations

b) Long Conversation

c) Short Monologue





2. Vocabulary


3. Grammar


4. ???


5. Reading Comprehension


6. Speaking

Picture Story


Graph and Table Analysis

Topic-based Discussion








1.        JCE and SCE Exams are administered twice a year, in summer and winter.

2.       Applicants can take these exams as many times as they'd wish to.

3.       There's no age limit for taking JCE/SCE exams.

4.       JCE and SCE exams consist of written and oral phases.

5.       Individuals taking JCE or SCE exams will be provided with an exam report including their written and oral scores as well as their English language overall proficiency level.

6.      The final score of JCE and SCE exams is comprised of 60 percent written section and 40 percent oral section.

7.       Participants in JCE and SCE exams are scored based on their correct responses. No mark is deducted for questions left unanswered or incorrectly answered. Speaking ability is assessed based on a variety of criteria. Scoring speaking ability from 1 to 6 (poor to proficient) is done based a number of criteria: communication of meaning, thoughts organization, rate of speech, pronunciation, and range of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

8.      In order to be awarded the JCE or SCE certificate, participants must obtain the minimum of 75 percent of the total mark.

9.      Registration for these exams is done online subsequent to the announcement of the ILI Examination Department.

The Iranian Language Center, as the most prestigious, oldest and largest foreign language teaching institute in Iran, has been operating in Tehran since 1304 under the name of the Iran-US Association, and its classes were often held in affiliated centers. Language education "was launched at the crossroads of the Republic in the 1330s